Sunday, May 24, 2020

Greetings from Luxembourg!

Where to start?

We are the lucky ones. I used to tell people around me, the ones who complain, that we, people of Luxembourg, are really lucky. There are not so many cases, hospitals are ready for us, our families are OK, and no it's not war. We have access to internet, good food, online shopping ... I live in a house with a garden. And could you imagine that the government pays for the salaries of parents who have children so they can take care of them as long as the schools are closed? 

But yes, really, sincerely, this situation is insane. I hope sometimes that I will wake up and all this mess has faded away. I wonder when my parents, who live abroad, will hold my little daughter in their arms. But thankfully we have WhatsApp! 

I'm not scared. I respect confinement, I respect social distance, wear my mask, wash my hands carefully... I'm a doctor so I fully understand what to do. I've seen worse on individuals during my "hospital years" but the fact is that it's a sanitary disaster to have so many people suffering at the same time. 

For good or for bad, I've been on sick leave since December after surgery, so I'm full time home to take care of my little girl who's 2 years old (my husband works from home). My recovery has been severely slowed down by the absence of physiotherapy and the constant solicitation of my daughter. And I miss Netflix 😜. But believe me or not, I just wanna go back to work as soon as possible. But honestly, when all of this will be just a bad memory, I won't forget the smile she keeps the whole day through, how many times she laughs so freely, all the hugs she begs for. She will forget but I will remember that we had time together. 

I haven't seen my friends for months... But I know that we won't forget each other. Some of my closest friends (more of a family for me than most of my own family) have shown me that distance is not an issue if you care about people. You don't need a lot to be near from their heart. So I know that I will find my social life, friends,... back as soon as possible. 

So... With a positive mind, I accept that shops just start now after 2 months of strict confinement, that restaurants are not open yet, and that schools progressively accepts some children (some children go back to kindergarten on Monday but mine won't). Some people have been through worse. 

How to conclude? I'm positive about a "normal" future but not yet. And since... Greetings from Luxembourg 😘


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